Ath bhliain faoi mhaise dhuit.
We would really like to grow the weekend as a kind of busman’s holiday for musicians, singers, publishers, broadcasters techies etc who are trying to earn a living from Irish Music.
So it is directed at them rather then on drawing a crowd. But all are welcome of course – tá fáilte roim cách.
The Competition is on the Friday – live on RnaG 7-9:00 and there is a session afterwards where all join in until Johnny calls a halt.
It will also stream live on our website here on this site.
The Saturday afternoon is the business end, where we gather to listen to and question people from all the organisations mentioned.
Last year the hot topic was US visas and their cost etc., we did not get very far on that and the other one was the application system for Arts Council grants, purses etc.
Catherine Boothman was speaking on behalf of the Arts Council and braved a barrage from Festival Committees especially, who had been denied grants for last year.
As a result she made several further visits during the summer and solved a lot of issues. It was a very interesting actually.
Comhaltas are there because they have a World Wide organisation and it would seem obvious that it could be utilised more.
I think it is daft of a musician or band to go touring to a country without flagging it to all the CCE branches their beforehand!
Gael Linn talk about publishing, formats etc. and the ever changing scene with shops and distribution.
IMRO (Keith Johnson) are the obvious. I asked them to bring plenty signup forms this year.
Royalties and how to claim them is another favourite topic.
Catherine Boothman will be talking again this year and is very accessible to people looking for advice re grants, bursaries etc from the Arts Council.
We will be doing a questionnaire at the end of the afternoon also this year, to learn what people are looking for and what direction they would like us to go in for 2018.
The Gold Concert (Saturday night) is free to all and is a kind of standard setting event in that only Gold Medal Winners can take to the stage.
Sin é.
I would appreciate any promotion you can do for us and also- if you have any ideas of your own.
This weekend is for musicians etc and they should feel a certain ownership of it.
It is an important industry in Ireland and abroad but has never been given the recognition as such.
Many other industries and sectors depend on it to open doors for them abroad.
As always the hotel is giving a special rate for people attending the competition and or Saturday. When booking say that you are attending the Bonn Óir and the price for the B+B plus the ticket for the competition is €50 pps. per night (€40+10)
An Cúigeardéag deirneach sa chomortas/This years final 15
Ticéadaí don Coirm ansa nó tríd an óstán nó ar an ndoras €10
Tickets for the Final of Competition here or via the hotel or on the door €10
Craobh Bonn Óir Seán Ó Riada 2016 |
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Ticéadaí / tickets here |
Ballríocht don Ceardlann ar an ndoras (€5)
Entry to Seminar at the door (€5)
Coirm Órdha Saor in aisce
Gold Concert – free admittance
Ráta speisialta le fáil ón Ostán do lucht freastaltha ar an gcoirm ach é rá le Muintir an stáin is tú ag bucáil
Special rate for B+B from hotel but to say you are attending the concert