2 CD nua anocht(new tonight) “Ceol is Cibeal Chúil Aodha” & “Up an about in the Morining”. Iomathóir sa chomórtas 2013 anocht-Keelan Mc Craith. 2 pieces from our 4th competitor in this years Gold medal on tonight. Comórtas Bonn Oir Seán O Riada 2013 everyweek until final 7th Feb RP Hotel in Cork – Cuire chun ceoil Forums, Competition,archives etc. Prog can be heard for next 3 weeks at archive site below.
Cláracha 4 seachtaine ansa thíos agus craoladh beo. 4 weeks prgs and live broadcasting here
Prog. available online RnaG here.
RnaG/RTE eolas agus archives faoin gclár/info and archives re prog.