Fleadh Cheoil Chorcaighe ansa agus ceol ó Mhúscraighe ar fad anocht. The Cork Fleadh is in the parish for the weekend and all tonight’s program is of music and song from Muscraí. New cd – Aisling Gheal scheme teaching song in the schools of the area. Comórtas Bonn Oir Seán O Riada 2013 oscailte anois. All concertina, accordian etc players can now enter the Sean O Riada gold medal competition – the site is now open – Cuire chun ceoil Forums, Competition,archives etc. Prog can be heard for next 3 weeks at archive site below. 7-9-Rnag (94 fm)
Cláracha 4 seachtaine ansa thíos agus craoladh beo. 4 weeks prgs and live broadcasting here
Prog. available online RnaG here.
RnaG/RTE eolas agus archives faoin gclár/info and archives re prog.